I am proud to announce my candidacy for a City Council position in this March 4th election. It has been an honor to serve Aspen as mayor for the last 6 years, and I feel that I have more to give to the Aspen community. I am dedicated to building a strong Aspen community. By establishing a sustainable environment and economy, we can maintain the highest quality of life and experience for residents and visitors.

There are still many areas and issues that the City can and should be working on. I will work for an improved APCHA program for upkeep and maintenance, regulations that keep qualified tenants in housing to allow for personal growth, and balances community goals with fairness and equity. I will continue to work on the ETA and a transit plan for our valley that eases congestion and creates greater mobility alternatives. We will work together for community connectedness and local livability to achieve a supportive and healthy community. I will continue to work for environmental leadership, managing our waste and ghg emissions, and protecting our natural surroundings and climate. I also will continue my dedication to the arts for all Aspen, support our thriving resort economy, and maintain and upgrade our infrastructure.

Together with the city council and myself, we can continue to make City Hall work better for the people who make Aspen so great!

Torre for Council
PO Box 2230
Aspen CO  81612

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